Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Review: All Together Dead

  • Title: All Together Dead
  • Author: Charlaine Harris
  • Reading level: Adult
  • Publisher: Ace Books (May 1, 2007)
  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Received From: Bought
  • Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
  • Cover: B+
  • Overall: A
  • ISBN-10: 0441014941

Bestseller Harris mixes humorous Southern-fried fantasy with biting satirical commentary in her seventh novel to feature Sookie Stackhouse, the bubbly telepathic barmaid from Bon Temps, La. (after 2006's Definitely Dead). Sookie attends an all-important central U.S. vamp summit on the shores of Lake Michigan as a "human geiger counter" for Sophie-Anne Leclerq, vampire queen of a Louisiana weakened by Katrina and who will be tried during the event for murdering her king. Sookie knows the queen is innocent, but she's hardly prepared for other shocking murders, not to mention protests by the Fellowship of the Sun, a right-wing antivampire movement. Her sleuthing skills, along with those of her new telepath friend, Barry the Bellboy, are put to the extreme test. Harris juggles a large cast, including several romantic contenders for Sookie's heart, with effortless exuberance. HBO's True Blood, based on this addictive series, is scheduled to begin its TV run this fall

This book definitely set the standard for how awesome this series is getting! This book starts off with Sookie being summoned to a Summit for the Vampires where she has to be at the queens side to help prove her innocence. This book is jammed packed with so much action that I could not wait to read more and more, and to me thats how a book ought to be! I also thought the character development got stronger with the characters especially Sookie and her roommate Amelia (who I am liking more and more!)

Also this book definitly got on my good side mainly because there was more and more Eric in it (and we all know how much I love him!!!). This plot was a lot better than the previous book like I said I could not stop reading. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time =) This was the most action packed book so far in the series and I think all you Vamp fans out there will be real pleased with the result! I know I was =P

So What Did You Think Of All Together Dead?
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Happy Reading!

Review: Definitely Dead

  • Title: Definitely Dead
  • Author: Charlaine Harris
  • Reading level: Adult
  • Publisher: Ace Books (May 2, 2006)
  • Paperback: 324 pages
  • Received From: Bought
  • Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction
  • Cover: C
  • Overall: B
  • ISBN-10: 0441014003
Sookie Stackhouse once tried to keep her mind-reading capabilities secret, but the word is definitely out in Bon Temps, Louisiana, her hometown, leading local police to call on her to help find a missing child. There's a new man, were-tiger Quinn, in the picture, too, but on their first date, two were-people attack them. Sookie isn't sure whether she or Quinn was the target but is soon distracted by a more pressing problem. Cousin Hadley, a vampire, has been murdered, and Sookie has inherited her apartment, meaning she has to go to New Orleans to uncover the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death and meet with Hadley's lover, the Vampire Queen herself. Though not quite as driven as past entries in Harris' Southern Vampire series--Sookie doesn't get to New Orleans until a third of the way in--this is a gratifying read for Sookie's fans because of a major surprise for Sookie about one of her old lovers

I am not going to lie I was not impressed by this book in this series, I think some other titles in this series were much better. However non the less this did continue on with the series and it did not stay which was very nice. When continuing on with Sookie's crazy world this book brings you into New Orleans where Sookie goes to clear out her cousins Hadley's apartment. This is when Sookie is brought into the world of Vampire Royalty, she has to visit the queen and learn the truth about Hadley's death. Along with all that Sookie has to figure out her relationship with Quinn the hunky tiger, and gets caught up in a war, talk about a vacation!

So now that your up to speed with the summary of the book let me fill you in on what I think =) Personally it was not one of my favorites, however it still kept me reading. I think the best part about the book was when Sookie went to meet the queen, everything else seemed like fillers. The plot seemed to be what killed it for me, the character development was great and the scenery was depicted well however the plot was wah wah wahhhhh. However as I said before it kept me reading and believe me the next books were great! So keep on reading my friends keep on reading!

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Happy Reading!
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