So I am a little behind with updating with what I am reading so to summarize I have read all the Sookie Stackhouse books (LOVE THEM WANTING MORE!) and I just finished Linger..... So I am now on the path to finishing the House of Night series and as of right now I am in Chosen....
Redbird, leader of the Dark Daughters and vampyre fledgling extraordinaire, has discovered some mysterious and disturbing events occurring at her vampyre finishing school. Her ex-roommate and best friend, Stevie Rae, is "undead" and only due to Zoey's love and belief that she still possesses some humanity has Stevie Rae not become a true monster. Zoey must quickly find a way to reverse what has been done to her before it is too late. To complicate matters, Zoey is forced to keep this a secret from her friends and has been betrayed by her mentor and advisor, Neferet. Zoey knows that Neferet is behind the creation of these "undead" creatures and is not at all what she seems. For help, she turns to her rival, Aphrodite, who becomes her confidante and partner in crime. Horror strikes the House of Night when two professors end up brutally murdered.
Have You Read It?
Do You Think I Will Like It?Happy Reading!