Ashlyn Woods just transferred to one of the most beautiful campuses on the west coast, where she can't wait to start her life over as a normal college student. But her plans take an unexpected turn when she discovers that she is a Soterian: a person who develops amazing powers when the balance of good and evil shifts too far in evil's favor. Soon she and the other Soterians are studying martial arts and learning to use their powers to prevent California from being plunged into chaos. But they quickly discover that they're up against a much more dangerous enemy than they anticipated. And when Ashlyn meets Kai, a devastatingly gorgeous guitar player, she realizes she must sacrifice more than she ever imagined.
- Title: Rising Shadow
- Author: Jacquelyn Wheeler
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 378 pages
- Received From: Received from Author (Thanks Jacquelyn!!!)
- Genre: Fantasy/Fiction
- Cover: B-
- Overall: A
- ISBN-10: 0982516010
This book is a great example that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover! When I read the synopsis of this book I was highly intrigued to check it out. Then I won the book from Jacquelyn and began to adventure through its pages. I was hooked, I could not stop reading even if I tried! I ended up waking up late for work one day because I was up until 4am reading this book! So to say that it surpassed my expectations would be an insult, It went above and beyond (kinda like Ashlyn lol) anything I expected!
The story is about Ashlyn who has been waiting to transfer to a new college on the west coast, and when she finally does her whole life changes! Ashlyn's and her roommate Rebecca instantly click and become good friends. Everything is normal and great and then Ashlyn discovers she can fly, and Rebbecca can read thoughts!?! They discover that they are Solterians and that there are others, and that they will need to reform their powers and fight evil. Sounds lie a lot to take on at the start to a new school year right? You have no idea! This plot is so unique and different, and definitly left me hanging on the edge of my seat! It says this is book one of the series and I am dieing to get the second one!!!
Each character was so well thought out and unique that they meshed well together without overshadowing one another. I grew very fond of Rebbecca, she is a good friend to Ashlyn and I found I could relate with her because we are around the same age. I was also found of Michael and his bad boy attitude I hope in the second book (I hope there is one lol) that his character starts to unravel more. Overall I think this was a very successful, well written book! I hope that there is a series because I will definitely keep reading. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, and powers, and sitting on the edge of their seat =)
So What Do You Think?
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Happy Reading!

I just reviewed this one! Awesome review - I totally agree, I LOVED this book - and I am having Jacquelyn to my blog on Thursday to answer some questions. This is a series, with the next book due out sometime next month (I hope) :D It's called Merger!
ReplyDeleteYEAH! So glad you liked it, like me :D
I have this book, maybe I need to bump it up a couple of spaces...
ReplyDeletesound like a good read I'll have to check it out!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great review, Rae! I'm very happy to report that I'm working with a fantastic professional cover designer for Merger, and I love what he's coming up with so far. I might even re-release Rising Shadow with a new cover, so stay tuned!
ReplyDeleteOooh this definitely made me want to read it now.