Jen Nadol took the time to stop by my blog and answer a couple of questions about her book The Mark. We also asked some other fun questions about her life and writing check it out:
What did you want to be when you were younger? Did you always want to write? An air traffic controller, artist, veterinarian and, yes, definitely a writer.
Do you have a special place where you go and read/write? I almost always read in bed and always write in my home office.
Which author(s) inspires you to write? Did any author have an influence on how you wrote The Mark? I feel like I’ve mentioned Lisa McMann to so many people she’s going to think I’m a crazy stalker or something, but I read WAKE in one night right in the middle of my final edits to The Mark and it was a lightning-bolt moment: THIS is what my editor means by “tighten up the prose”! I loved WAKE and thought her writing was so clean and beautifully effective. It definitely helped me “clean up” The Mark.
I’ve read so many amazing books where I’m awed by the writer’s talent – White Oleander, The Kite Runner, almost anything by John Irving. Honestly, though, sometimes I’m more discouraged than inspired after reading them! I actually read very little when I’m in heavy writing mode.
Do any of your characters reflect anyone in your life? No, they really don’t. I wouldn’t even say they’re composites of people I know. They exist only on the page and in my head.
How did you come up with such a unique plot? Have you been working on it for a while? The idea – what if you knew it was someone’s day to die – just came to me when I was tossing around story ideas. And, right away, I could see some of the conflicts, even scenes that would play out. So I’d say the plot came pretty quickly. Actually writing it took a whole lot longer.
Do you have any plans of making a sequel? Yes, there is a completed sequel that we’re just beginning edits on. It’ll be out sometime in 2011.
Do you have any other books you’re currently working on? I have three other YA novels that are in early stages, but I’m not one of those people who are good at spreading my focus. I never read more than one book at a time and definitely can’t write more than one so they’ll have to wait until the sequel’s edits are finished.
What is your biggest goal in life? To make the most of my time and savor and appreciate the good stuff of life all along the way.
If you could have anyone (anyone at anytime) read your book, who would it be? This question had me thinking for so long! I’m going to have to go with my sons who are way too young to read it now. The rest of my family has all read it already and having my boys read it – and hopefully be proud of it – would be more important than anyone else I can think of. Um, unless Oprah wants to read and tell the world she loved it…
What’s the next book you plan to read? I have an ARC of Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus on my nightstand for the Tenner ARC tour. I’ve heard great things about it and am really hoping to find time to read soon!
Too learn more about Jen's book and life please visit her website below. I want to thank Jen for taking the time out of her day to come share this information with us, and I also want to thank Anna Dalziel from for making this all happen =)
Happy Reading!

Thanks for the interview!