- Title: Ruined A Ghost Story
- Author: Paula Morris
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Paperback: 304 pages
- Received From: Received from Scholastic Publishing
- Publisher: Point (August 1st 2009)
- Genre: Fantasy/Fiction
- Cover: A+
- Overall: A+
- ISBN-10: 0545042151
Rebecca couldn't feel more out of place in New Orleans, where she comes to spend the year while her dad is traveling. She's staying in a creepy old house with her aunt. And at the snooty prep school, the filthy-rich girls treat Rebecca like she's invisible. Only gorgeous, unavailable Anton Grey seems to give Rebecca the time of day, but she wonders if he's got a hidden agenda. Then one night, in Lafayette Cemetery, Rebecca makes a friend. Sweet, mysterious Lisette is eager to talk to Rebecca, and to show her the nooks and crannies of the city. There's just one catch: Lisette is a ghost.
A ghost with a deep, dark secret, and a serious score to settle. As Rebecca learns more from her ghost friend -- and as she slowly learns to trust Anton Grey -- she also uncovers startling truths about her own history. Will Rebecca be able to right the wrongs of the past, or has everything been ruined beyond repair?
When I first picked up this book I was amazed by how beautiful the cover was! I have never heard of this book or author before, however when I received it in the mail I could not wait to dive in! Now you all know how I love my fantasy, and I must say this book does not disappoint. I definitely got my fantasy fix on this amazing story. I honestly could not find a downfall to this story; the plot, character development, setting were all spectacular! On top of all of that, it was different, a different type of ghost story that I feel everyone can enjoy.
The story is about this girl named Rebecca who is from New York, however when her dad has to go to China for work Rebecca finds her self having to fly to this new world with royalty and mysterys. Who knew that, that world would happen to be New Orleans? Rebecca is thrown into this new school where being in the "right" family can get you away with anything and everything. Then Rebecca meets this new friend who is unlike any of the snooty girls at school, the only problem is Rebecca is the only one who can see her. Lisette is a ghost, who holds secrets about the founding familys in Rebeccas new home town. Secrets that Rebecca now knows that can put her family in danger.
This story was amazing, it was full of so much suspense that I could not put it down. The setting was also amazing, I have never been to New Orleans however I got a vivid picture in my head from this story. Also I feel that the character development enhanced my reading experience, because I got a good idea of who was who. However as the story went on and mysterys kept unfolding the characters started to unfold into layers. Overall I feel that if you love fantasy and ghost stories you NEED to read this book!
So What Did You Think Of
Ruined A Ghost Story?
Ruined A Ghost Story?
Happy Reading!

OHH I Just picked this one up I cant wait to read it, thanks for the awesome review!!!