
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Date Released: July 15, 2009
Excitment Scale: 4/5
New MoonDate Released: November 20, 2009
Excitment Scale: 5/5
A Touch of DeadA compilation of previously published Sookie Stackhouse stories will be on the shelves on Oct. 6, 2009. The next original Sookie Stackhouse novel will be on sale in May of 2010!
Wed August 13, 2009
So I am spazing out, because I am drinking Sheetz Coffee and it makes me hyper.... I cant help Im addicted I really shouldnt be drinking coffee at 12:43am lol oh well. =]
Tue July 14, 2009
So I have started back up at my school and I have the best schedule ever! I only go on Mon and Tue and then I have the rest of the week to just relax. The summer quarter is easier though because it is only 10 weeks long, but they extended the hours to the classes =(. But now I have to go work on homework Bye!
Wed July 8, 2009
Busy Busy Busy is all i can say! This is my last week in Ohio with my family then im off back to Pittsburgh for school. I can not wait to be done only 8 more months, then I will be a college graduate! My birthday is this saturday I am actually not excited like I usually am, it makes me a little sad. When I was little I used to count down the days, now it just seems like another day. It does not help that I have to leave the day after my birthday to return to school. The only thing im looking forward to in pittsburgh is I have a stack full of books to dive into =) Until next time, have a good day guys!